Sunday, April 26, 2009

Cool and Cloudy, a Quiet Spring Day

It's a cool and misty day today, and we hope to get some rain out of it before this front is over. The oats are all in and just waiting for some moisture to get started growing. One of the prettiest things I can think of is a field all green and growing.
We planted some peas in the garden, and I put in two short rows of red potatoes. That should ensure that we get some fresh vegatables as soon as possible, even though the weather is a little uncertain for many other plants quite yet.
We have also been waiting for the fields to be finished so the tractor can come and disc the garden. Since they were finished up yesterday, we should be next on the schedule.
We checked the hives again this month, and were faced with a very sad thing. Hive A, which we had needed to feed some sugar to in February, was dead. The loss of a hive is a minor tragedy in itsself, but I had little idea of what exactly had caused it. Today I did some research on the computer and found out here that they had most probably starved. (I feel so awful! I should have made more candy in Feb. or checked on them in March!)
I will definitely know better next time.
I'm so sorry, bees!
But the other two are really doing great, so I hope to get my third hive back yet this spring. Perseverance is essential in any new endeavor, and while I cringe at my mistakes, I will use them as fuel for future sucesses. Hurry up flowers, hurry up balmy days... we have a hive to make!

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