Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The pursuit of...

Seeing as it is that time of year again, I wanted to share this... one definition of happiness for any shepherdess, shepherd, or animal lover. When the grass is green, the herd is healthy, the year is young and the world is crowned by a big blue sky... that's what happiness is.

June, June...

Well, we almost have the garden in. Just a few more days of planting to get done, but we keep getting delayed with rain.
Not that anybody objects! After the bad drought recently I for one will not take rain lightly. It can come on down about any time it likes, we will simply work around it. No problem!
But it does make our garden planting a bit strung out. Which is actually all right, seeing as we are planting second batches of a lot of things, like pole beans, bush beans... it will spread the harvest a bit. Which is good!
Gotta love it...
But today is a very nice after-the-storm day, with the damp earth drying out a little, so it makes for a pretty beautiful evening. I really like to make a point of enjoying the beautiful things about spring, and summer, well fall, too, even winter, (though that's not such an easily beautiful season, what with our, {Very Much Appreciated!} open winters, which means a lot of brown scenery.)
What a terrible shame to live in the midst of beauty and ignore it because we're 'too busy'. Terrible! So I try to remind myself to take a minute and take a look around, even just as I'm walking to the barn for morning chores. It takes no more effort to look around me while I go than to keep my eyes on the ground, and it brightens my attitude for the rest of the day.